My last post was 3 days shy of a month ago, but when you are stranded in Tahiti for 3 weeks without a passport, blogging is the last thought on your mind...Ok not exactly true, but my home computer did crap out and blog sites are blocked at my work. But in fear of this post becoming an excuse rant I shall begin.
This past weekend I spent the NCAA Final Four games with some engaging people, and my roommate Beilsy. (Beil I'm kidding, you are "engaging" too) Halfway through the night, and 5 beers deep (I did not fullfill my lent promise by the way) I realized that the couple's house we were so happily enoying were much older than I had originally thought. We're talking close to 50 years old. As a result of their many years on this planet and perceived "wisdom" they naturally had strong views on life, politics, and basketball. Waterfalls of conversation, perhaps fueled further by the more than evident alchohol buzz shared by all, ebbed and flowed. One topic that consumed a large part of the banter was Wussification - the trend of becoming an increasingly wimpy society. This particular family's 13 year old twin daughters were spending the night with a family friend who according to the parents "spoiled and babied them." This is where the "wuss" stems from, if you are babied all your life you'll naturally be weak and timid, because dependancy is engrained into your being. For a sheltered, pampered clod, when faced with a difficult or uncomfortable situation, self defense is not a viable option. Instead, first instinct is to run to mommy for shelter. I can point these people out from a mile away and take certain joy in making them squirm. I'm not a bully, I'm just being the parents they never had. I've only scratched the surface of the argument here so give me a call if you want to discuss more. One thing's for sure, You can be sure my kids will be raised to defend themselves, to think for themselves, to be independent, even if this means a few tantrums, explosions, or I hate you's. It's no wonder in the cooking world "coddle" means to cook slowly and gently just below the boiling point. I'll be cooking my babycakes at a steady boil.
This past weekend I spent the NCAA Final Four games with some engaging people, and my roommate Beilsy. (Beil I'm kidding, you are "engaging" too) Halfway through the night, and 5 beers deep (I did not fullfill my lent promise by the way) I realized that the couple's house we were so happily enoying were much older than I had originally thought. We're talking close to 50 years old. As a result of their many years on this planet and perceived "wisdom" they naturally had strong views on life, politics, and basketball. Waterfalls of conversation, perhaps fueled further by the more than evident alchohol buzz shared by all, ebbed and flowed. One topic that consumed a large part of the banter was Wussification - the trend of becoming an increasingly wimpy society. This particular family's 13 year old twin daughters were spending the night with a family friend who according to the parents "spoiled and babied them." This is where the "wuss" stems from, if you are babied all your life you'll naturally be weak and timid, because dependancy is engrained into your being. For a sheltered, pampered clod, when faced with a difficult or uncomfortable situation, self defense is not a viable option. Instead, first instinct is to run to mommy for shelter. I can point these people out from a mile away and take certain joy in making them squirm. I'm not a bully, I'm just being the parents they never had. I've only scratched the surface of the argument here so give me a call if you want to discuss more. One thing's for sure, You can be sure my kids will be raised to defend themselves, to think for themselves, to be independent, even if this means a few tantrums, explosions, or I hate you's. It's no wonder in the cooking world "coddle" means to cook slowly and gently just below the boiling point. I'll be cooking my babycakes at a steady boil.